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Greenfield Middle School

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Mr.Hernandez's Language Arts Page

Parents / Guardians,


I welcome you to the 2016-2017 school year. Greenfield Middle School is very excited for this year and thrilled for your child to take part of our school. I know this school year will be very successful and I look forward to making and accomplishing new academic goals with this new set of seventh grade students.


Here is a list of materials that will be needed for your student to be successful in Language Arts:

  • A single subject notebook
  • A set of highlighters (pink, yellow, orange, green, blue)
  • 1 Folder/Binder
  • Pencil (Required at all times)

The three most important things I tell my students to do in my class are: Respect Yourself, Respect your Peers, and Respect your Teacher! Please help me in having your student understand these three important rules at all times.


If homework is assigned, it will be short and given Monday – Thursday with the addition of any incomplete classwork. Students will also be participating in the Accelerated Reader (AR) program this school year. It is also essential for your child’s education to have them read every night for at least 20 minutes. Please ensure that your child reads their library book to earn the needed points. AR points will be accounted for in the grade book and will affect their overall classroom grade.


Grading Scale:

  • Assessments (Tests/Quizzes) - 55%
  • Classwork - 30%
  • Homework - 10%
  • AR - 5%

Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone at (661) 837-6110 ex.2721


I look forward to meeting you,

Mr. Hernandez